Your gear, components, weapons, etc. all come with perks and inscriptions.
Perks are static per rarity level of an item, the inscriptions vary on RNG. Several items also function as a primer or as a detonator, the ingredients of combos.
Inscriptions come in two types, indicated by a corresponding icon.
Gear –
The inscription only applies to that very item
Javelin –
The inscription applies to all of your gear

In the above example, this specific item has +225% damage and grants a +15% damage increase to all your gear.
Combos are the preferred method of dealing increased amounts of damage. To create combos, you’ll need a primer and a detonator
The icons are shown ahead of the item’s name and also on your HUD on the corresponding abilities.
Creating a combo doesn’t just simply add up all base damage values, it also applies your javelin’s unique ability.
Which are:
– Ranger deals critical damage on the target
– Colossus triggers an AoE explosion
– Storm spreads the elemental effect on targets nearby
– Interceptor creates an Aura that spreads the elemental effect to other targets over time
You don’t need to prime the target yourself, if anyone on your team applied a primer then you are still able to detonate for a combo and deal increased damage. A red circle above the health bar details the prime debuff currently applied to the target.
Gear that is not marked as a primer or detonator may still have higher base damage values, so take some time to evaluate the best combinations for your play style.